Are you having trouble deciding what to get The Walking Dead fan in your life for Christmas? This post contains 17 one-of-a-kind gift ideas for fans of the show. The list is organized by price point, starting with the most affordable items and moving up toward the items that only the truly wealthy might be able to afford. Cheap Items ($25 and Less) 1- Monster Island by David Wellington – This author was zombie when zombie wasn’t cool. He’s one of the best prose stylists around, and this book is the beginning of a trilogy that continues with Monster Nation and that closes with Monster Planet. Well worth your time reading, and if your gift recipient is a reader, she’ll love all three books. $11.17 2- The Walking Dead: Days Gone By – Volume 1 – This collects the first six issues of the comic book upon which the show is based into a single paperback volume. AMC made significant changes to the plot, so it’s worth getting. If your recipient likes this one, then 18 additional volumes are available, each of which collects six more issues. $10.78 3- The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season – This might seem like too obvious a choice, but if your recipient doesn’t already have the show on DVD or Blu-ray, this makes an excellent present. It’s also remarkably affordable. $16.96 4- World War Z and The Zombie Survival Guide, both by Max Brooks – Skip the Brad Pitt movie; it wasn’t good. The novel, on the other hand, is excellent, and so is the written-as-if-it-were-nonfiction Survival Guide. These aren’t directly tied to the program, but thematically, they couldn’t get much more similar. And Max Brooks is a great writer (as well as being the son of Mel Brooks). $23.78 5- Zombies!! 2nd Edition from Twilight Creations – This is one of the most affordable miniatures games on the market, and you’ll be amazed at how well it captures the spirit of the genre. The game uses tiles rather than a game board, so the playing surface is different every time you play. Multiple expansions are available, too. $22.16 Moderate Items ($25 – $75) 6- Dawn of the Dead: Ultimate Edition – This didn’t exactly start it all; George Romero’s first film, Night of the Living Dead, gets credit for that. But this sequel took things to a whole new level. The remake directed by Zack Snyder is good, too, but purists always love the original. The special edition DVD is packed with extras, too. $44.44 7- Monopoly – The Walking Dead Edition - If the zombie loving friend or family member likes to play Monopoly, this collector’s edition will thrill her. The rules are basically the same as in regular Monopoly, but all of the pieces, the cards, and the money are customized with a The Walking Dead theme. $49.99 8- Official Table Lamp - What better way to light the darkness than with a beautiful table lamp? On one side of the lampshade it says, “We […]